Happy New Year!

First of all, let me wish you all a Happy New Year! Here’s to a new year of sewing adventures and sharing those with you.

I have some goals that I thought of, particularly for my YouTube channel, but they apply here as well. There will be more intention about having some posts that correspond to my videos. I know some people like to read, especially if it’s a tutorial with instructions.

Goal #1

I want to create more thoughtful projects. By that I mean, I want to consider what I need in my wardrobe. This can involve garment style, color choice, pattern choice, etc.

Goal #2

I want to take my time (or more time, if necessary) per item. This will allow me to actually enjoy the sewing process more.

Gone are the times when I actually did attempt to make a garment a week (or close to it). I don’t have to do that so there’s no reason I can’t relax and enjoy what I’m doing. Since I almost exclusively sew for myself and I’m at home full-time, I can spend as much as I like on making whatever I want.

Goal #3

I’d like to share more of my process with you. That includes how I decide to make what I’m making and why I chose the fabric/pattern combo that I did.

As far as how this translates to the blog, I can show you more photos that will perhaps help with techniques so that the reader can understand what I’m talking about.

Goal #4

There will be more styling of the finished garment (at least that’s the goal). I admire those that do this on a regular basis. Whether it’s looking to websites for inspiration (I get inspiration from Talbots occasionally).

Or sometimes it’s looking back on my own posts and liking the way something looked.

Goal #5

As I have mentioned previously, there will be an occasional series that I’m calling “Back to Basics”. That will feature sewing those basics that I need/want in my own wardrobe that you may need as well. The point is to inspire you or get you thinking about making those patterns that you may already have. You might want to try a new garment type or style. Perhaps you’ll be inspired to try a new technique as well.

So those are the goals for 2024. I hope you will enjoy reading the blog and maybe I can help you in some way through my content.

Happy New Year!