Here’s My Take On Butterick 5534

Butterick 5534

I’ve had Butterick 5534 for quite some time now. This pattern was released in 2010 (not sure if that classifies it as vintage), but I kept it because I really like this look. Well, I finally made a garment from the pattern. So here’s my take on Butterick 5534 with this vest I made. If you aren’t aware, vests are “in” nowadays. It seems that my trendy clothes are always classics.


The pattern includes a vest with two variations for the collar, a skirt and pants. Vests are semi-fitted and lined, while the skirt is straight and above knee length. Pants are semi-fitted and straight legged. Again, these are pretty classically designed garments that are stylish for any time.


I bought the fabric at JoAnn’s Fabrics (you can see it here). It’s a soft and washable fabric that would make a great suit. I consider this medium weight fabric.

Sewing Process

First of all, I haven’t made a tailored garment in quite some time. The last time I made a vest was more than a decade ago. And for whatever reason, constructing a lined vest is one of those things that seems to confuse me. I can make a lined blazer without these problems.

B5534 Vest

The part that I find confusing is in attaching the front facing to the lining. I’m actually not convinced I did it correctly, but I got it done. Because the fabric is weighty, there is some bulk in the seams. That’s something to keep in mind for the next time.

B5534 Vest back

I’d like to make another vest just to get the process right!

Overall, I like the tailored look of this. It didn’t take too long to make, even with the problems I had. The pattern is out-of-print (OOP), but it’s available on Etsy and Ebay.

Butterick 5534 Vest front
Butterick 5534 front

Have you made a vest or a tailored garment late? Let me know.

2 thoughts on “Here’s My Take On Butterick 5534

  1. It looks great. I am so happy vests are back in. I made a tailored Burda vest in the 1980s. It included my first welt pockets and bound buttonholes because the fabric frayed too much for sewn ones. Burda instructions are always sketchy, so I relied on my Singer Tailoring book for details.
    It finally got too frayed to wear about a decade ago. But until then it was the foundation of my work “uniform”. Fancy brocade vest over shirt with pants or skirt. I recently discovered I have enough left of the expensive and now unavailable beautiful fabric to make another.

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