Summer Dress With McCall’s 7889

Front view of McCall's 7889

I made a summer dress with McCall’s 7889 because I wanted something that would be quick and easy. This pattern did not disappoint. It’s described as being a very loose-fitting top and dress with button front closure.

The Pattern

I made a version that combines both Views D and B. I rarely make something that is strictly the way the pattern is designed! The suggested fabrics are all lightweight and flowy, so that will give you some idea of how this is intended to fit and look.

McCall's 7889 pattern envelope

The Dress

I got this fabric from my mother-in-law who used to sew quite a bit. I’m sure it’s from the 1970’s or 1980’s since she’s held on to it a long time. It’s 100% polyester, but it’s very lightweight, breezy and thin. The fabric was in perfect condition and was perfect for this dress.

Front of dress on dress form

While the fabric is easy to sew and the pattern is rated easy, I did have a bit of a struggle with the pleats. There are three pleats on each side of the front and on each side of the back. Although they are easy to make, pleats are one of those things that sometimes throws me off. I think it’s because I really need to slow down and sew more carefully to get them placed correctly. There was a similar issue when I made this skirt years ago. Here’s that pattern; unfortunately, this one isn’t available.

woman wearing summer dress with McCall's 7889

I would dispute the pattern description that the dress is very loose. Because the pleats in the front and back gently cinch in the waist, the dress does have some shaping.

back view of woman wearing dress M7889

The pattern also includes a belt as you can see in the photos. That also helps to bring the waist in. Please be aware that there are no pockets in the dress. So that’s something you’d have to add if you are so inclined.

front view of woman wearing summer dress with mccall's 7889

Now, I will admit this dress is shorter than what I’m normally used to. If I was to make this again, I would probably add a few inches to the length. I debated with myself about doing that and decided against it. But next time, I will add a bit more fabric to the bottom of the dress.


I’m not sure I would sew this dress again, but I do think it would make a cute top (that’s View A in the pattern).

back view of woman wearing M7889

But, if you’re looking for a cute summer dress, this could be the one!

For those of you who would like to see the video review I made of the dress, that’s here below.

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