First let me say, Minerva Fabrics gave me the material for this. The material is a jeggings fabric that is soft and stretchy. Although I was concerned that the fabric had too much stretch, it ended up being perfect for these jeans. They are the perfect pull on jeans for comfort and just a fun thing to wear. Here is the post I wrote on the Minerva site.

There are real pockets in the back and faux pockets in the front of the jeans. This is a quick project to put together as well.

Construction Process for the Perfect Pull On Jeans
As far as actually sewing these, a serger with a 4-thread overlock stitch is probably the best and fastest. That gives the stretch and the strength needed for these pants. Otherwise, a zigzag stitch is good.
I did use a twin needle for the hems.
Because the waistband calls for 1″ elastic, they are very comfortable to wear. I used 3/4″ elastic for this particular pair. I used what I was able to find easily and they still sit comfortably at the waist. So I would not recommend using anything less that 3/4″ wide.

If you notice in the photo above, there was a flaw in the fabric. There was a white line on the back of the leg (something from the manufacturing of the fabric). While I had enough to re-cut another, I decided to leave it as is and use the remaining fabric to possibly make a sweater or something.
I have made this pattern before (here) using a stretch woven material, which is actually the recommended fabric.
The elastic for the waistband is two pieces. There is a front and back piece . Getting a good fit is much easier this way. And you don’t have to worry about the elastic twisting in a casing.

Although this is an older pattern, it is still available. I definitely think this is one worth having. The pattern was made without alterations. I was able to get a good fitting pair of jeans by choosing the right size.
Until next time…