S8994 Project Collaboration

A while back, Myra from Myra Lorraine YouTube channel and I decided it would be fun to take pattern we both liked, make it, and see how each one of us would make it our own. We chose this Simplicity pattern from Mimi G

Simplicity 8994 pattern envelope cover

The first thing I did with this is to lengthen it by 4″. I made a muslin to ensure that the length and the fit were what I wanted. For the first time in my sewing. I also did a full seat adjustment. This was done because I noticed that with the first muslin I made, the skirt road up in the back a bit. So in order to remedy this, I did a slash and spread technique that gave me about another inch in length in the back. The back and the front pieces matched up though.

woman wearing Simplicity 8994 skirt and blue print top

This is a linen-like fabric I bought years ago at JoAnn’s. It’s washable and super comfortable. It’s the kind of thing that’s great for a summer dress or skirt.

woman wearing S8994 skirt and floral print top back view

Being in a pandemic situation has presented its own challenges in completing any projects. Covid-19 means no traveling to the fabric store since they were closed here in March. So everything I used were things that I already had at home. Having enough fabric is not really an issue 😂. But there are some other things that I wish I had access to, like matching thread.

S8994 skirt with a floral print top

But that’s it. You can watch the video I did for this project here and I have linked Myra’s video in the description box as well.

Thanks for watching and Happy Sewing!